Freelancer writer speaking to, for, and about patients and care partners.
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Biz-Speak - Sherilyn George-Clinton, Writer

Biz Speak

Mission critical: How to be authentic and still communicate that I belong? 

Maybe I'm problemetizing everyday communication, but I can’t commoditize myself with every meeting.


Buzzwords are the secret handshake--Sherilyn George

Buzzwords are the secret handshake.

My unique value proposition is authentic, transparent sales leadership. My core competency is inspiring achievement. Executing on the deliverables, period.
Dynamic and results-oriented, I partner with other stakeholders to optimize outcomes. 

The key takeaway is that, though I grew my talents in the pharmaceutical sales space, they're scalable. And transferable. I add mad value.

This word nerd is in synaptic overload. 
Not to boil the ocean, but can't we shift the paradigm and be a little disruptive?
Authenticity without Biz-Speak could really be the game-changer once we gain critical mass of mindshare!
At the end of the day, we all just want to be judged by the content of our communication, rather than the buzzword compliance of our speech, right? 


Contribution to the blog of the Mid-Atlantic chapter of the Healthcare Business Women's Association. Copyright Sherilyn George.